Tips for Painting With an Airless Sprayer

Paint SprayerAn airless paint sprayer can give you a high-quality finish in half the time it would take you to paint with a roller or brush. If you’ve never painted with a sprayer in the past, however, it can take a little getting used to at first. Here are a few tips to help you get the best possible results from an airless paint sprayer.

Dress the Part

Make sure you’re ready before using your airless sprayer. Wear goggles, protective clothing, and a face mask or respirator to protect yourself from paint and fumes.

Check the Weather

The ideal temperature for painting with an airless sprayer is between 45 and 75 degrees. If it’s too cold, your sprayer is more likely to clog. Too hot? The paint will dry too quickly and won’t bond to surfaces.

Protect Your Belongings

Airless sprayers tend to make a mess. Use drop cloths and plastic sheeting to cover anything you don’t want to get splattered—windows, trim, floors, etc. Move all furniture and rugs out of the room if painting indoors.

Stay Consistent

When using your airless sprayer, keep your distance consistent. Hold the sprayer 12 inches away from and perpendicular to the surface you’re painting. Move your arm while keeping the sprayer pointed straight at the surface—spraying at an angle will lead to an uneven finish.

Overlap Your Passes

To ensure an even finish, overlap each spray pass by about 50 percent. Aim the sprayer so the tip points at the edge of the previous pass.

At Lawrence Tool Rental, you can find everything you need to tackle your next home improvement project, all at a fraction of the purchase price. To get started, feel free to give us a call or contact us online today!

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