The Advantages of Using Leaf Blowers and Leaf Vacuums for Your Fall Yard Maintenance

Most homeowners are familiar with the amount of yard work that needs to be done after the harsh winter season. In fact, the term “spring cleaning” has been embedded into our heads for so many years now, that there are very few people who don’t partake in it these days. However, as we delve into the cooler seasons, it’s important to keep in mind that there is still so much more work to be done around the yard during the fall as there is during the spring.

Fallen LeavesThe Advantages of Using a Leaf Blower for Yard work - Lawrence Tool Rental Inc.

One of the biggest tasks ahead of you during the fall season is to take care of all of the fallen leaves on your lawn. Regardless of whether they come from your own trees or from the trees of a nearby neighbor, it seems as though every time fall comes back around, your yard is absolutely covered.  Now when it comes to removing them, you pretty much have two choices in front of you: use a rake to gather leaves and dispose of them yourself, or choose to use a machine to get the job done. That’s when you have to ask yourself, are there advantages to using leaf blowers and leaf vacuums? 

Benefits of Leaf Blowers and Leaf Vacuums

Many homeowners think so, and here are just a few reasons why renting or purchasing leaf blowers and leaf vacuums may make your lawn maintenance a bit easier this season:

Time saving – Using power blowers and vacuums to clean up fallen leaves is a lot faster than raking, especially if you are not the fastest raker. You can save a lot of time and sweat by using blowers and vacuums.

Gathering leaves from corners and tight spaces – Manually raking leaves can be a bit difficult when trying to clean up leaves that have fallen into the corners of your fenced yard, or other tight areas that are hard to reach. Leaf blowers and vacuums are able to reach into those inconvenient spaces and gather more leaves than possible with a rake.

Ease of use – Spending an extended amount of time hunched over a rake and constantly pumping your arms back and forth can be extremely exhausting. Using leaf blowers and vacuums can be a lot easier on the body than attempting tough, manual yard work. You can rent the tools and pay someone a small fee to gather the leaves;  a good job for the kids, perhaps?

Great for mulching – Leaf vacuums also have the ability to shred fallen leaves, which can be used for mulch later on in the year, ultimately saving time and money.

If you’re worried about the cost of purchasing one of these yard tools, remember that renting your equipment with Lawrence Tool Rental Inc. is always an option. Renting makes more sense for most homeowners because you don’t have to worry about spending unnecessary money on tools you may not need more than once a year.

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