5 Essential Tree Removal Safety Tips

Tree RemovalSpring is just around the corner, and so is spring cleaning season. While you’re getting your lawn and garden in tip-top shape, don’t forget to take a close look at the health of your trees.

This winter’s heavy snowfalls may have left weakened or broken branches high in the treetops. Freezing temperatures and high winds, meanwhile, may have also damaged trees that were already weakened by pests or disease.

If springtime brings not only flowers but also the need to remove a tree or two on your property, remember to make safety a top priority with the help of these simple tips.

Assume Power Lines are ON

Whether a tree or is near a power line or power lines are near the felling area, always assume they are energized before starting any job. Contact your local utility company about shutting off the power, and grounding or shielding any nearby lines if necessary.

Check the Weather

A day may start sunny and clear, but as we all know the weather in Central Indiana can change in the blink of the eye. Be sure to check the full day’s forecast before trimming or removing trees. In case of inclement weather, postpone the project until safer conditions prevail.

Safety Gear

There is a popular acronym among motorcyclists called ATGATT – All The Gear All The Time. The same holds true for tree removal. Always wear gloves, safety glasses, hard hats, hearing protection, safety clothing and any other gear required for specific machinery and equipment.

Climb Safely

Climbing a ladder to remove overhanging branches can be risky when you’re dealing with a diseased or decaying tree. Before climbing, inspect the tree to make sure it offers enough strength and support. Use proper climbing and fall protection equipment, and don’t climb with tools and equipment in your hands. If possible, avoid climbing altogether by using a long rope-and-chain saw to remove tall branches.

Be Observant & Stay Alert

Start any tree removal job by surveying the area and eliminating any potential hazards. Evaluate the tree and look for lean direction and loads that put the tree under pressure to estimate the fall. Prepare any guides as needed. Clear the surrounding area and note paths for retreat. Never turn your back on a falling tree and watch for flying objects. Once felled, ensure the tree is not supported by any objects in its path.

Get Trained

Tree removal is a tough job that warrants training and preparation. If you haven’t tackled this type of job in the past, recruit the help of an experienced arborist who can walk you through the process and show you how to take a tree down safely.

Once you’re ready to start removing trees from your property, give the team at Lawrence Tool Rental a call to find all the chain saw, wood chipper and lift rentals you need to get the job done right.

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